Packers Injuries Mounting Up; Jordy Nelson To Miss Preseason, Bulaga Seeking Second Opinion

Green Bay Packers WR Jordy NelsonThe injuries to the Green Bay Packers are adding up with WR Jordy Nelson being the latest to go down. The good news for Packers’ fans though is that Nelson is only expected to miss the rest of training camp and the 2013 preseason.

Nelson opted to have knee surgery to correct a nerve problem that actually dates back to his college playing days at Kansas State.

Packers’ head coach Mike McCarthy said that he expects Nelson to be ready to go when the Packers open up their 2013 regular season against the San Francisco 49ers on September 8th.

This news follows much more serious developments on the injury front – LT Bryan Bulaga tore his ACL on Packers’ Family Night and was reported to miss the entire season.

And while that seems to be devastating news, there is actually talk of Bulaga trying to suit up this season as stated by McCarthy in his Tuesday press conference. Long story short, McCarthy indicated that the tackle would be seeking a second opinion and there is an outside possibility of seeing him in the lineup… of course that is contingent on what the second opinion says.

If he can’t go, the injury to Bulaga could really impact Green Bay’s bid for another Super Bowl in 2013.

QB Aaron Rodgers was sacked more times than any other quarterback in the league in 2012 – the offensive line is certainly an issue that needed to be addressed. If Rodgers starts having to worry about his blindside, it could potentially make for a long 2013 season…

2013 Green Bay Packers Regular Season Schedule

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